By Ignatius Soroibe
There was near pandemonium at saint Theresa Catholic church special Jurisdiction, Egbelu ishi Obiangwu in Ngor Okpala local Government area of Imo state as some parishioners reacted angrily as the Ebonyi state senior correspondent of the Nigerian Newspoint Newspapers, yours sincerely was very nearly stopped from doing his work during an outing mass held in honour of late ezinne Juliana Ukachi Nosike nee Anyanwu on sunday 6th of May 2024.
Confusion started when a female church warden, name withheld, became more Catholic than the Pope before the timely intervention of the parish priest, reverend father Kizzito Ezenwoke who reminded the church warden that certain “decisions are better left for the parish priest to handle,hence ending the re-enactment of Jesus Christ being rejected in Nazareth episode.
Meanwhile reverend father Kizzito Ezenwoke has expressed his gratitude to the family of sir A O Nosike for their support and love for the parish since one year he has been in charge as the parish priest, the clergy man stated this in an exclusive interview with Nigeria Newspoint Newspapers in his office at the end of the outing mass.

“According to him the family has been helpful while other parishioners has been very nice to him since he assumed duties as the parish priest of Saint Theresa Catholic church Egbelu ishi Obiangwu.
He stated that the place is fine,it’s nice they are very accommodative.
In an answer to a question whether he has had any challenges since he assumed duties,he said” yes” people have their own character,with different mentality,I have no issues with them,we are living in peace,I don’t have any issues with them”
When Newspoint wanted to find out his feelings for these three days of continuous activities in the parish which started on May 3rd,2024.
He said” very fantastic,that day one cannot forget it, Ezinne Juliana Ukachi Nosike she was a very wonderful woman,very caring,a mother indeed,so that was why that day a lot of priests came inorder to console the family and the chief celebrant was the denary head ,Reverend father Andrew Nkwocha he was the chief celebrant plus other priests that came because of the family,because of the love they have for the family ,it was very very good,I love it,I love the family and they are doing well.
In an answer to a question why he is bringing Pentecostalism into the Catholic church through his every Wednesday Adoration service and the likes ,he said ” when we talk about Pentecost,that Penticostal, most of our brethren are trying to snatch it, Catholics are Pentecostals because on that day of the Penticosty”The spirit of God descended upon them and they were speaking boldly,so far you know Catholic church,
They speak boldly but most of our brothers, they don’t know what is Penticostalism,so we call them protestants, they are not Pentecostals, they are Protestants, so that Pentecostal is derived from the word penticosty, the power from Heaven, which that power descended on the apostles.
So as a Catholic priest we are being annointed to preach the word of God without fear and without favour and that is what we stand for”
Asked whether he has had challenges just like yours sincerely had in the course of his job. father Kizzito Ezenwoke said “Like Jesus Christ himself,he has many challenges, therefore, wherever you go,you must have challenges “